The Roots of Japan2 ~Buddhism and way of LIFE~
Let’s listen to messages from the Buddha and get some hints from the Buddhist Way of LIFE!
In this workshop,Buddhist priest(instructor)Rev.Shojun Ogi,will introduce participants to the history and the basic teachings of Buddhism by inviting them to the Kongoin temple(金剛院)to enjoy Buddhiam chanting the Sutra,explore the way of thinking Wisdom(智慧), Dependent Co-Arising(縁起), Action(カルマ)and Everything is Changing(諸行無常).
This workshop is not a preaching,open to any religious personals.The lecture from Rev.Shojun Ogi includes many hints from the teachings of Buddha that is deeply connected to our daily life,in other works,the wisdom for everyday life.Let’s feel and experience the enlightenment world of Buddha and make your life more sophisticated and comfortable!
The date and time:Sunday, July 27, 2014 14:00~17:00
Address:1-9-2 Nagasaki toshimaku Tokyo(1-minute walk from Shinacho (椎名町)station(Seibu Ikebukuro Line))
Capacity: Max to 20
Cost:2,000yen(For each Part) ※Pay at the door, included rental space fee and instructor fee. ※Please do not change your attendance status after July 25th.When you cancel it after July 25, please send an E-mail to
Schedule:2:00pm~5:00pm(option: 5:00~6:00pm tea time) Assemble at the entrance at kongohin(金剛院)at 1:30pm,the workshop will start at 2:00pm.
2:00~3:00pm Introduction &Chanting Performance (勤行) & tour for main hall(本堂) .
3:00~4:30pm Buddhism Worksyop(including Q&A time)
4:30~4:40pm Break time.
4:40~5:00pm Sightseeing tour at Kongohin temple(金剛院) , break up
5:00~6:00pm(Option:tea time at Nayuta cafe金剛院内).
【Pick up points】
1) You will get to know the brief history of Buddhism.
2) You can learn the general overview of Buddhist teaching.
3)You can actually talk with Japanese Buddhist priest.
Special Instructor●Rev.Naoyuki Ogi Born in 1982.He is a vice abbot of Choshoji Temple in Yamaguchi,Japan. He graduated from Ryukoku University and the Graduate Theological Union/Institute of Buddhist Studies. He completed a 2010-2011 residential fellow program at Harvard Divinity School. He has given many lectures on Buddhism at universities and seminars.In addition, he has written and translated many articles and as translator and journalist for various publications both in English and Japanese,including Samgha Vol.17, Turning Wheel,The Pure Land,Inter Press Service, Majirox News,Prapanca, Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Culture in Musashino University, and the Journal of Kurashiki Sakuyo University,etc.
「仏教」から連想するものと言えば、仏陀?八正道?諸行無常?それともインドでしょうか?難しい仏教用語にアレルギーを感じている皆さん! いっそのこと仏教を「英語」に置き換えて学んでみませんか? 例えば、仏教でいう「智慧」はWisdomですが、見識、分別、英知という文字通りの意味のほかに、仏教では「ありのままに見せてくれる」という意味も含んでいます。“Wisdom helps us to“see things as they really are”and NOT“how we wish to see them”!!
本ワークショップでは、勤行のパフォーマンスから始まり、オーギーこと大來 尚順さんが仏教の歴史や基礎知識はもちろん、解りやすい解説とクスッと笑える面白いエピソードで参加者の皆さんを楽しませてくれます。さらには、日常生活に役立つ教えや生き方そのものへのヒントも得られるかもしれません! ブッダの教えに耳を傾けて、心身ともにリラックスできる日曜の午後を過ごしてみませんか。※本講座は全て英語で行われます。
日 程:午後1時30分金剛院の入り口に集合。ワークショップは午後2時から開始されます。
14:00~15:00 イントロダクション&詠唱パフォーマンス&メインホールのためのツアー。
15:00~16:30 仏教Worksyop (Q&Aの時間も含む)
16:30~16:40 休憩時間
16:40~17:00 金剛院の観光ツアー、解散
17:00~18:00 (オプション:ティータイム金剛院内なゆたカフェ)
講師●大來尚順(Rev.Shojun Ogi)
超勝寺 副住職 Choshoji Temple,Deputy Chief Priest
仏教学術論文翻訳家 Translator for scholarly paper on Buddhism
著書に「ブッダのサイコセラピー著者に聞く、アメリカ仏教の現在形(インタビュー記事)」(サンガジャパンVol.17)、「The Concept of Engaged Buddhism in Shinran:Reflections on Living as “Neither a Monk Nor a Worldly Person”」(Living in Peace:Insights from Buddhism(Taiwan:Blue Pine Books,2013))、その他多数。